I've had this furry vest for 2 years now, but it still feels new because I haven't worn it very much. I do love it though. My goal (as I've stated many times, ha) is to #1 drastically curtail the thrifting, #2 over time eliminate more things from my current wardrobe, #3 thereby owning fewer pieces but getting more wear out of them.
One thing I have been wearing a LOT of lately are these black jeans. I actually have two pair of black jeans (in same size) by Forever 21 that are nearly identical. I've put on a few pounds over the last few months (will be working on that come the new year) and so these jeans are one of the few pair that I like on me at the moment. I feel like they are in just about every outfit post these days, haha, but I'm just going to have to get used to that if I'm wanting to become more minimal. The bottoms will seem much more repetitive than the tops because I've got lot of tops, scarves, accessories, and cardigans that can be used to create many outfits...even if the bottoms are frequent repeats.
thrifted: jeans $3.49 Forever 21 vest $5.99 H&M long sleeved mock turtleneck tee $? Karen Scott earrings $1.78 purse $4.19 ~~~ necklace $1.26 via ebay gold bangle set $5.48 via Walmart
Two new (to me) Trader Joe's products made it into this dinner....Vegetable Fried Rice and Chickenless Crispy Tenders. I loved both of them and will buy them regularly. I did add a bit of shred carrots to the rice (and maybe soy sauce or stir fry sauce, I can't remember?). This made for a really good meatless meal.
thrifted: black jeans $3.49 Forever 21 hooded toggle closure cardigan $4.79 Great Northwest Clothing Co. scarf $2.49 purse $13 Nine West boots ?
I get an awful lot of wear out of these American Eagle Boy Fit jeans. I have several pair of blue jeans in my closet, but these are the ones I reach for most often.
thrifted: jeans $5.59 American Eagle (Boy Fit) sweater (outfit 1) $2.50 Old Navy scarf (outfit 1) $2.49 loafers (outfit 1) $2.50 Eddie Bauer red tank top (outfit 2) $1.50 Timely Traditions cardigan (outfit 2) $6.80 Jeanne Pierre scarf (outfit 2) $2.10 red ballet flats $7.99 Gap
thrifted: boy fit jeans $5.59 American Eagle sweater $6.70 Studio Works pasminia scarf $3.49 Booties? ~~~ purse $14.99 Koltov Collection via Ross necklace via ebay
We had lots of leftover rice from the night we had burritos with mole' sauce so I used another new Trader Joe's product to add to it....soy chorizo.
Yum! I was surprised at how good it was! And spicy! It's a winner and will be going on my regular shopping list. It's only 160 calories per serving. AND...it's only $1.99 per package so each package will give us 3 meals each. Wow! Can't beat that. We'll be having this in taco salads, fajitas, with eggs, over potatoes and yams, and much, much more.
thrifted: sweater $4.90 Designer's Originals jeans $5.60 Metro Blues scarf $2.99 purse $4.90 Monet loafers $4 Naturalizer