Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A New Scarf With Old Yellow Sweater + Whole 30 Day 1

Our Whole30 starts (today) Tuesday. (I actually got this post ready the night before.)  Wish us luck!  I act like I'm getting ready to climb Mt. Everest. haha  But for us...big time pasta, bread, potato lovers and avid nighttime snackers...it's a near equivalent. :D
The part I'm dreading most is giving up my non-dairy creamer and 4 pkts aspartame (bad...so bad) in my morning coffee.  Ugh. 

 Thrifted Items:
Pants $4.35 AB Studios (Value Village)
Scarf $2 (Value Village)
Nude Purse $4.90 Monet (Value Village)
Nude Loafers $4 Naturalizer (Value Village)


  1. I gave up on bread, pasta and potatoes when losing weight and that was fine... the biggie would be giving up my tea without creme or Truvia sweetner (I use 3pkts). You are brave! I noticed a lot of pasta and such in your food pics, so know this is a real challenge for you!!!! Best of Luck!

  2. Lubię takie połączenie kolorystyczne. Wyglądasz bardzo świeżo. Pozdrawiam Cię ciepło!


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