Saturday, May 14, 2016

Trader Joe's Pizza Veggie Burgers

Trader Joe's Pizza Patties are a lunch favorite of ours.  We usually have these pizza (soy protein) burgers a couple of times per week.  They are only 130 calories each. We don't eat them on a bun, but I'll top these pizza burgers with either pizza sauce or sundried tomatoes, a couple tablespoons of shredded low fat mozzarella cheese (melted on top), and a dollop of Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Guacamole that is made with greek yogurt and only 30 calories for 2 tablespoons.  This lunch is under 250 calories.
The pizza burgers are delicious and satisfy our pizza cravings. 
I believe they sell for $3.79 per box of 4 burgers.  So that would make hubby and I two lunches each.

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