Monday, January 5, 2015

Back to the Black Ponte Pants

Well, it's back on the diet wagon for me after a whopping 15 pound! weight gain over the last couple of months or so.  Oh, yes....I'm not supposed to think of it as a diet.  It's a healthy forever lifestyle change.  Another of my New Year's resolutions is to NOT let this happen again this year.  I've yo yo'd with my weight all my life.  At least I continue to try.  But, seriously....I've got to get a grip and get this weight off.  Even where I was, 15 lbs ago, I was overweight, but I could live with being that size and was sooooo much happier.  I'll get there again.  It just really takes daily effort to make a plan (easy part) and stick with it (hard part-ha).  
I thrifted these pants maybe 3 weeks ago and have been wearing them like crazy.  I was calling them stretch pants because they have no waist closure, just pull on...and they are a nice stretchy fabric that just seems to fit so well.  
I had been seeing a word floating around "ponte" so today I googled it.  Lo and behold that's what these pants are!  I actually also have another pair from Black House White Market that I thrifted a couple of years or so ago, but have not been able to wear for a while because they're in a smaller size.  They do have a zipper and snap closure.
Ponte is a combination of rayon, polyester, and spandex.  Do you own ponte fabric clothing and do you like it?  I'm loving it.
These don't really fit me the way I like best, but they do give me another pant silhouette.  I prefer them to be more fitted through the leg and ankle and will keep my eye out for ones of that style for the future.
Black Ponte Pants $4.90 Sag Harbor
Gray Long Sleeved Tee $4.80 Lea Nicole
Sweater $7.24 Tommy Hilfiger
Purse $12.99 Bueno
Black Ankle Boots
~ ~ ~
Scarf $12.99 via Marshall's
Bracelet $10.80 via Forever 21


  1. Lisa Wszystkiego dobrego w NOWYM 2015 ROKU!

  2. Tell me about it Lisa , I only have to look at a cake and put on several pounds on the hips ( lol ) and being short doesn't help either ! , I love this outfit , I am really getting into the colour grey in my clothes and your top is great ,have a fab week .

  3. Right there with you Lisa, 12 pound gain this year.. I said I was kicking it back into gear yesterday, but failed miserably... I have two pairs of Old Navy ponte knit leggings that are my best friends lately. I love how heavy the ponte knit is compared to other leggings. The poncho. ponte pants and pointed toe ankle boots are all very on trend...


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